February 2023

Well it took a few days but I’ve managed to slog through the Deeds of the starting areas and Bree-Land to bring the characters up to where they should have been (had I been paying attention). Race Traits, Virtue Traits, and reputation standing are all in a better place now. I have developed a slight twitch from spending so much time in the old Forest and the Barrow Downs. Nothing that a little hot tea and relaxing music can’t fix to remove the heavy atmosphere those two zones create.

this will ensure that my characters are “well rounded” as the journey continues

Going forward the goal will be to complete the regional Deeds as quests are undertaken. Using plugins like Deed Tracker and the application LOTRO Companion, I’m able to get a better overview of what needs to be accomplished in each location. Hopefully this will ensure that my characters are “well rounded” as the journey continues (and not from just eating all the Hobbit meals: Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, and Supper).

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