May 2023

We have completed our work in Bree-land for now. Various farming and matchmaking activities were performed and a great deal of time was spent in the swamps dealing with spiders and goblins and flies (oh my).

We were able to track Amdir, but he again avoided capture and killed another fellow ranger. Beastly business. When I got back to Bree I had a message from Meneldir asking me to meet him at the river crossing in Tharbad.

We have ventured to Bree-Land and are working with the local constabulary and some rangers to drive out brigands the area. We were also looking to rescue Amdir the ranger, who had been captured prior to our arrival here.

While we were successful with the brigands, our rescue of the ranger went horribly wrong. He killed a fellow ranger and has turned to the shadow.

I also rescued and old woman, the same one we rescued in Ered Luin! Curious indeed

The Deeds in Ered Luin are complete. A dreadful misunderstanding between Dwarves and Elves has been averted. The Goblins and Dourhands have been defeated, yet there is still much work to be done in other regions.

Snowy and I bid farewell to Dwalin, Master of Thorin’s Hall, as we prepare to leave for Bree-land to lend a hand in Archet to drive the shadow from those lands as well. We shall miss Ered Luin’s peoples, but we won’t miss the snow and cold.