March 2023

Developer’s Diary – Warden Updates from OnnMacMahal

Update 35 Release Notes – Big changes today.

One of the main issues I have with Lord of the Rings Online is that there is so much of it. There are far more experience points available in any zone from quests than one actually needs to level up to progress to higher regions. On the other hand, there is such a rich story line, that missing any quest seems to take away from the complete experience that the game has to offer. These are the horns of the leveling dilemma, so how is one to cope?

So I’m adopting a “Both is Good” attitude for my play through

I am of a mind to find the middle way. In most games I am a die hard completionist, but I fear on the current 8 characters that I have going that if I stuck to my normal routine of doing EVERYTHING that there would not be enough time left in my current lifespan to be able to get everyone through everything. So I’m adopting a “Both is Good” attitude for my play through.

On my seven crafting characters I am following the progression mode of play. This entails following the Epic Quests from region to region making judicious use of the experience inhibitor to prevent over leveling. Each one completes deeds and some side quests to complete the Epic Books and then they move on leaving much content behind.

For my completionist side I have an eighth character and on this individual, I complete absolutely EVERYTHING in all regions at all major leveling break points. Level 1-15 I don’t just complete my assigned starting area, but I complete all starting areas. and then progress to the next leveling tier and repeat. This takes a lot longer, but I get to experience everything, and my gameplay OCD is satisfied.

  • Happy St Patrick’s Day!

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