A small hitch in our travel plans due to weather. The Northern parts are intensely cold. This is not a problem for Snowy as he is naturally equipped for these circumstances. I, however, am not.

As chance would have it, I journeyed briefly to Bree and with the help of Myrtle Mint I was able to procure suitable seasonal attire from the Heartwood collection from the land of “Kanada” (they have a thing for red checkered clothing).

So onward we go.

First observations, Thorin’s Hall is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean as with a diminutive race such as we Hobbits, one assumes the housing will be somewhat proportional.

The Khazâd on the other hand turn these assumptions right on their head. The vastness of this place is a little overwhelming and it makes the Great Smials of Tookland seem a quaint Hobbit hole in comparison.

Snowy and I have completed the Deeds of the Shire and let me tell you this, I commend to you the services of the fine Stable Masters. It is ever so vitally important that one has a fine horse on the journey as the amount of running to and fro would be prove to be quite bothersome without one.

Mathoms gathered, pies run, nasty things dispatched, and several rather comfortable pubs frequented.

Mission Accomplished I say, now on to Thorin’s Hall

Mostly unchanged is still a little changed

After much preparation and several false starts Bingo Boffin is ready to start out on his journey.

We met in Waymeet just after sunrise and a suitable breakfast as well. Had to pick up a few sundry items that he had forgotten to bring but all in all, progress has been made.

I must admit I am rather fond of his travel wear. There is a certain style about it but can’t put my finger on it. I simply shall have to ask him for the name of his tailor.

Spent the better part of the day in the north of the Shire hunting slugs and spiders. Quite a messy undertaking, and the smell! One wonders at the noxious vapours emanating from those bogs. Quite unpleasant.

The only remedy for such a shock to the system was found later that evening at the Green Dragon Inn. A refreshing pint of Dragon’s Breath Ale and the pleasant company of the local Book Club meeting.

Mind and body renewed afresh.

We find ourselves in the lumber camp of Overhill just north of Hobbiton. I met a very knowledgeable woman named Gammer Boffin (relation to Bingo?) who has formulated many salves and potions to help with beehive relocation and spider eradication.

There were also a fair number of bears and goblins about and the obligatory satchel of undelivered mail to take care of.

The Shire is a very busy place.

Not the quiet pastoral land I was expecting.